Queen of Tears who gave 10 kissing scenes from the 1st episode


Title: A drama that gives 10 kissing scenes from the first episode...

But it all passes by in 1-second cuts

tvN’s <Queen of Tears> starring Kim Soo-hyun and Kim Ji-won debuted today

original post


1. The last shot is so pretty

2. It's a romantic comedy that's worth watching for the first time in a while.

3. Kim Jiwon is so pretty, she's literally the epitome of Hong Haein herself. She is so good at acting!

4. Kim Soohyun, why is he so handsome?

5. There are 10 kissing scenes, but they are all pretty....

6. It's so easy on the eyes..... This is it...

7. This is the taste of a married couple...

8. It's refreshing to see a drama that starts with a married couple. It looks fun

9. Their chemistry is really incredible

10. The kissing scenes were so beautiful...it went by too fast.

11. I want to see more female characters like Kim Jiwon's character this time around who is skilled and cold. She's so pretty and really good at acting.

12. The drama was really fun

13. The newlywed honeymoon scenes were f*king heart fluttering, show us more scenes laterㅠㅠㅠㅠ

14. Ah, everything is so pretty ㅜ.. Show me everything slowly..

15. They both look so good together

16. I think everyone will tune in because it's fun to watch. It’s refreshing because it’s like a complex genre. From now on please keep being entertaining. The kiss scenes are also really heart-fluttering

17. They suit each other well.. 

18. The acting combination is so good ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It will be a hit with muggles

19. If I were an actor, I would start having feelings that I didn't have before after shooting these

20. Honestly, this was the most entertaining show I've seen recently


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